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What is Flaxseed Good For?

Posted by Joel Williams on


What Is Flaxseed Oil Good For?

Seven Powerful Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Many people from around the world regularly use flaxseed but don’t know What it is Flaxseed Good For. You will discover Flaxseed's Top 7 Health Benefits and why people are so passionate about this excellent little seed.

The benefits of flaxseed and flaxseed oil capsules range from relieving everyday aches and pains to preventing serious illnesses. This tiny seed packs a powerful punch! The health benefits of flaxseed are more than a theory. In this blog post, we will share many well-documented medical studies of its effectiveness.

While flaxseed is versatile enough to be taken in a variety of forms, flaxseed oil capsules are often the most convenient method of ingestion, and they are particularly potent.

When choosing a flaxseed oil capsule, it is essential to look for an organic brand. At Vita Day Products, our premium organic flaxseed oil capsules offer the purity and potency that our discerning customers expect. These capsules are designed to be easy to swallow and allow for maximum absorption of this important supplement.

If you've ever questioned, "What does flaxseed do for your body?" we're here to help. Let's take a look at some of the ways in which flaxseed supplements could enhance your wellbeing and overall health.

1. Heart and Cardiovascular Health

Flaxseed for Cardiovascular Health

Flaxseed capsules have been shown to lower the risk of heart attack. This is attributed to the high concentration of a particular omega-3 fatty acid in the flaxseed oil itself for heart health. Flaxseed oil contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which has been linked to several cardiovascular benefits.

In a medical study from Costa Rica, subjects who consumed lots of ALA were found to have a reduced risk of heart attack compared to subjects who consumed less ALA.

An additional review of multiple studies showed that patients taking flaxseed pills had a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease by up to 14 percent. Studies have also demonstrated that flaxseed oil capsules have health benefits, including a decrease of up to 10mmHg in systolic blood pressure readings. Flax is also linked to a reduced risk of stroke.

One of the major cardiovascular health benefits of flaxseed is that flaxseed lowers cholesterol. Indeed, research shows that the supplement actually prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the vessels of the heart, and it also reduces inflammation!

2. Weight Loss

Flaxseed for Weight Loss

If you're wondering, "What is flaxseed good for?" you'll be happy to learn that flaxseed can be used as a natural, safe weight loss aid. Multiple studies have demonstrated a link between flaxseed and weight loss.

Experts believe that the high fiber content in flaxseed may help keep patients feeling full for a longer period of time after meals and even help reduce the hunger signals sent by the body. One study suggested that 25 grams of flaxseed is an appropriate dose for patients hoping to reduce their cravings and any hunger pangs they may be experiencing.

3. Constipation Relief

Flaxseed for Constipation Relief

Flaxseed has been used for decades as a gentle laxative, and a study of 55 individuals with irritable bowel syndrome and constipation confirmed that flaxseed is effective for constipation relief. The study also indicated that flaxseed helps reduce bloating and abdominal pain.

Patients with other forms of irritable bowel syndrome have found it helpful for managing their conditions, too.

Researchers believe flaxseed's laxative effects are due to its ability to increase intestine movement, which increases stool frequency. Some researchers also theorize that flaxseed may help stabilize stool composition.

4. Cancer Prevention

Flaxseed for Cancer Prevention

Some of the strongest flaxseed nutritional benefits are found in cancer prevention. The best flaxseed oil capsules can help women and men reduce their risk of several types of cancer. The supplements can even help slow tumor growth in patients who have been diagnosed with this disease.

Flaxseeds contain compounds known as lignans. Lignans act as natural estrogen, and they also function as antioxidants. Compared to other plant-based foods, flaxseed has an exceptionally high concentration of lignans. Flaxseed capsules can contain more than 800 times the amount of lignans found in other plants!

Scientists believe the lignans in flaxseeds are a significant reason for their cancer-fighting benefits. 

In an observational study conducted in 2013 showed that women who consumed flaxseed had a reduced risk of breast cancer compared to a control group. The effect was especially significant for women who were postmenopausal.

A large study carried out in Canada followed more than 6,000 women and found that those who included flaxseed in their diets reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by 18 percent.

Additional Canadian research at the University of Toronto showed that flaxseed can slow the growth of existing breast tumors and may reduce mortality in breast cancer patients by up to 70 percent.

A Swedish study conducted in 2007 noted that flaxseed is particularly effective in the fight against estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers. This is because the flaxseed acts as an anti-estrogen.

Flaxseed consumption has also given hope to men who are seeking to prevent cancer. When combined with a low-fat diet, men who ate 30 grams of flaxseed each day reduced their levels of certain markers associated with the development of prostate cancer.

Additional research is being conducted to discover more about how to use flaxseed for cancer prevention. Studies on animals suggest that flaxseed may have the potential to prevent both skin and colon cancer, and researchers continue to investigate this.

5. Arthritis Prevention
Flaxseed for Arthritis

Flaxseed shows promise in the prevention and management of arthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis may use flaxseed because it reduces the pain caused by arthritis.

Some arthritis patients have found that using flaxseed helps to reduce the stiffness in their joints and enables them to move more freely.

Researchers believe that the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in the flaxseed may relieve your painful joint pain too! ALA and other omega-3 fatty acids are recognized as natural anti-inflammatories.


6. Beautiful & Healthy Looking Hair

Flaxseed for Healthy Hair

In addition to its nutritional benefits, flaxseed is believed to enhance the health of a patient's hair.

Some users have found that regular consumption of flaxseed oil helps their hair to grow longer and stronger. Other patients have found that applying flaxseed oil directly to their hair provides relief from dandruff and dry scalp.

Anecdotally, women who use flaxseed on their hair have reported that they have less hair breakage than they did prior to using flaxseed. Women have also noted that the application of flaxseed makes their hair shinier and more flexible than it otherwise would be.

7. Healthy Looking Skin

Flaxseed for Healthy Skin

Flaxseed oil benefits for skin are primarily in the areas of hydration and anti-aging.

The high levels of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans in flaxseed help to plump and firm skin allowing it to retain moisture. In particular, the fatty acids are excellent sources of hydration for the skin.

One of the best ways is to break-open a capsule and apply it directly to the skin. Flaxseed oil has been shown to reduce dry skin and minimizes fine lines on the skin surface. Just make sure that you buy a high quality flaxseed oil capsule. A simple test is when you open it up it should have a pure smell and taste to it not an old and rancid like smell and taste.

In recognition of the power of flaxseed, many skincare companies add the substance to their skin serums. Flaxseed can help patients with acne by reducing the congestion in clogged pores, and the antioxidants in the compound shield skin from environmental pollutants, sun damage, and other stressors.

An Easy and Effective Way To Get the Flaxseed You Need Daily - With Flaxseed Supplements

Get these 7 Health Benefits of Flaxseed in convenient capsule form.

Buy them directly from Vita Day Products. Our customers love the many exciting benefits of our Organic Flaxseed Oil Capsules from Vita Day Products.

Here's what one customer said after trying our product for only one a month,

"I love this product greatly, it did exactly what my doctor told me it would do, I’m not able to take statins to lower my cholesterol, so I take two of these capsules daily, and over three months. Time, my cholesterol much are glycerides my LDL and HDL all improved greatly my doctor was extremely impressed."
Andrew S., Houston, TX

Another customer said, 

"Definitely will keep buying this! Omg, this product helps with growing my nails so strong and shiny and my hair has grown so much using this product. I was taking this product for heart health prevention as well."

Jennifer R., Los Angeles, CA 

Give it a try today with our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and BUY NOW.
It's a great investment to your health!

If you ever have any questions, our friendly customer service team can answer any questions you may have about this supplement or any other. Thank you.


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