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Top 5 Natural Pain Killers To Relieve Your Pain

Posted by Jennifer R. on

Top 5 Natural Pain Killers To Relieve Your Pain

Wouldn't it be great to live without pain! For example, earaches, joint pain, tension headache or muscle aches. Before grabbing a pain killer there are amazing natural remedies that are just as effective for relieving your aches and pains than traditional medications without the side-effects. Click Here to discover what the Top 5 Natural Pain Relievers are and how to use them when you are feeling that annoying pain.

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Should You Be Concerned If You Eat a Banana a Day?

Posted by Jennifer R. on

Should You Be Concerned If You Eat a Banana a Day?

Is it true that “a banana a day will keep the doctor away?” Or, is this a lie? Bananas are among the most popular foods in the world, but does this popular fruit live up to all of its hype? Yes, it is true that there are significant health benefits with bananas in your diet, but there are potential problems with them as well. Top 4 Potential Health Risks If You Eat Bananas: #1. Bananas can cause migraines Bananas contain amino acids, some of which convert into the chemical tyramine in the body. Too much tyramine can result in a...

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St. John's Wort Benefits For Depression

Posted by Jennifer R. on

St. John's Wort Benefits For Depression

St. John’s Wort is an amazing herb that has been used for hundreds of years for many medicinal purposes, especially for anxiety, stress and mild to moderate depression. What is St. John's Wort? St. John’s Wort is a wild grown and yellow-flowered plant. The primary natural components of this beautiful flower are Hypericin and Hyperforin.St. John’s Wort, is a great herbal remedy to help people from mild depression to enhancing their mental focus.*   Top 4 Benefits of St John's Wort -For People With: 1. Anxiety or Mild Depression2. Problems in Sleeping3. Mood Swings4. Difficulty in Focusing, Reading or Studying 4...

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Top 2 Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Posted by Jennifer R. on

Cucumbers for Digestive Health and Weight Loss Many people have no idea of the many benefits that cucumbers offer to our health. There are many benefits but we will just look at the top 2: Improves Digestion and Can Help to Lose Weight. #1 Cucumbers Improves Your Digestive Health The two reasons why you should eat a cucumber a day for digestion is that first it is rich in fiber and second it has a very high water content - over 95%! For example, when you add cucumbers to your salad or make a cucumber drink it will give you...

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3 Natural & Healthy Drinks to Boost Your Energy and Feel Great!

Posted by Jennifer R. on

3 Natural & Healthy Drinks to Boost Your Energy and Feel Great!

So many of us want to eat healthy food, but it's frustrating to find something that tastes delicious, helps your body and is quick to prepare! The following are 3 healthy energy drinks vs coffee that are not only extremely beneficial to your health but are delicious as well. energy drinks When you have the right amount of energy-producing foods and supplements in your diet it can improve your concentration, reduce fatigue, and can potentially lower the risk of Alzheimer's and liver cancer. One of the ways you can give your body this type of boost of energy is to use natural...

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